She continually asked me questions I couldn't answer. She would scour her Bible and find things that seemed contradictory to her and wanted an explanation. I could give her some direction, but not every issue has a corresponding black and white verse, you know? She didn't want Christian rhetoric. She wanted Biblical support for any and every idea. Many nights she left with a "whatever" attitude, seldom seeming pacified.
I noticed she responded best when I built a case based on many verses. I couldn't give her one specific verse that said having sex outside of marriage was sin, but she couldn't ignore the arguments I raised when I gave her a collection of verses on sex. I challenged her to find one instance involving sex in the Bible where it is depicted in a good light outside of marriage and she couldn't do it. She understood some answers require looking at the Bible as a whole to find consistent ideas and discover the character of God.
~ A.W. Tozer ~
Some worried about all her questioning. Was she going off the deep end? Was she too concerned with intellectual sense? What if it led her down the wrong path? I wasn't worried. In fact, I was excited because I knew as long as she was questioning the Bible, she was in it. In trying to prove her points, she was bound to run into the Author before long. She sought her answers in Scripture alone and because of that, she would eventually get them. One cannot become lost when they look for answers in God's Word.
He will seek Me and find Me when he seeks Me with all his heart.
Join Debbie at Chocolate and Coffee for more In "Other" Words impressions.
I always find it exciting to "mentor" someone who is truly questioning to learn. As you said, if she is questioning actual Scripture she is reading it! Great post, my friend. And how great for this person that you were willing to take the time for her questions. That is a challenging example!
I once heard it said that if you can't find the answer in Scripture, the question wasn't worth asking anyway. How wonderful that "she" was looking for the answers from God alone!
Awesome post, bless you.
You have such a gift with college students. God has used you mightily in our community. I am thankful for your gifts and that you share them.
If you seek Me with all you heart, you will find Me...Right? Glad you're encouraging seeking hearts and guiding them to the Answer book.
What a great perspective on reacting to someones questioning. God's word is mighty to save us all from ourselves and our arguments! Blessings..
This is so very true. I especially like "I was excited because I knew as long as she was questioning the Bible, she was in it. In trying to prove her points, she was bound to run into the Author before long." That has power!
This was a very good response to todays TIOW. I really enjoyed it!
What a great post! Mentoring is such a rewarding experience.
Blessings to you!
I wouldn't worry about questioning either... the truth always has a way of rising to the top!
Questions that led to the TRUTH...to lead someone like that forces you to look at the only place the answers are 'sure'...
she challenged you and you guided her...and you both were made better by looking at the Scripture...that is really cool!!
What a great story and example about the power of the Word. Thanks for sharing!
Great post, as always, Tami. It reminded me of something I'm going to blog about soon, the idea of questioning or doubting. Our questions and doubts can lead us deeper into faith if we let them. It only becomes a problem if our doubts turn to stubbornness, and stubbornness leads to a lifestyle that harms faith.
Thanks for the insightful story. I love how you always illustrate your points with real life parables. Nice work!
Whoever "she" is, God sees and loves. May she find the answers for life. The Word is alive and active.
Love your post and your thoughts. The same few sentences the Amy picked out struck me too. I had a two hour phone conversation with a questioner this morning and I was excited for her too.
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