God, can you pump me up?
The Lord God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
Your words are a lullaby, soothing my spirit, quieting my soul. When I expect a "Here we go, Tami, here we go" shot in the arm, something about perseverance and pushing ahead and running the race, you simply say, "Come here. Be still." You don't put a hand to my back, propelling me forward. You make me take a deep breath. You slow me down. You put wind in my sails as I sit in your presence. You are my source of energy.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace.

Visit Iris at Sting my Heart for more Thankful Thursday posts.

GREAT words of wisdom I needed today. Thanks Tami!
Wow, I really needed this today. I feel as tho I am draging this week. So tired. Thanks for reminding me that HE puts the wind in our sails!
Happy TT!
Amen sweet lady - amen it's all about quietness and trust - that's where are strength is found. I think a great man by the name of Isaiah said that lol
Great post my friend
Hey Tami,
Thanks for stopping by! Now, I needed those 2 scriptures really bad, and wow, it was healing to my soul.
Blessings to you my friend♥
Thanks for an inspiring post, bless you.
LOVE that verse! He knows just what we need, right when we need it. And it isn't always what we expect, is it? He is so tender with us.
This is a beautiful post, Tami. Thanks for you inspiring words.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
What an inspiring post. I feel down and weakened some of the days, too. Thanks for the uplifting words.
Wow, what an awesome post. I have been rushing around all day and this was wonderful to read as I came home.
Love you. BTW, Have I told you how beautiful and appealing your site is. Love it.
How I am feeling your words! It's so funny~ I know this truth and have been taught it so often, so why do I continue to "backslide" in this area? I know when I rest in His arms, I find the peace and strength I need. The Zeph. verse is one of my favorites. Thanks so much for the reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus!
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