Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Moment of Decision

“If we’re going to become the women God wants us to be, we’re going to have to begin being consciously selective, which means we ask ourselves questions like: Is this the best use of my time, money, energy, and resources? Is this God’s highest and best for me? Is it the healthiest thing for my spirit, soul, and body? … Do my daily choices reflect my true values or am I taking the path of least resistance simply to avoid the hard work of making conscious selections?”

by Donna Partow
Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life

When I get snippy with my family, I don't think of myself as making a choice. Getting snarky with pokey drivers in front of me surely can't be controlled, can it? Do I purposely neglect others? Can't I call it forgetfulness? The heavy sigh at my husband's remark isn't a conscious decision, is it? Have I really exercised my will when I absentmindedly pop the last cookie in my mouth?

I know the correct answers (YES!), but WOW is that defeating. I don't think before I act or speak or even let my mind dwell somewhere. I completely understand Paul's lament--"For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." (Romans 7:19)

But if I can't do the simplest of tasks with purpose, how can God use me? How can His Spirit reside in someone with so little self-control? How can I become a woman of "conscious selection?"

I pray for Him to show me the moment of decision, that instant where I make a choice. I pray He stops and reminds me I choose to utter derogatory comments at slow poke drivers or inflame a sticky situation at home saying something that doesn't need to be said or ignore someone who may need a hug. I pray for an awareness of what I'm about to do.

I pray for the moment of decision.

God is faithful, of course, but as soon as He started answering this prayer I found a greater need to pray for discipline and courage to make the right choice, but that's a whole other story.

May God make us people of awareness, people consciously choosing His best. May He show us our moments of decision.

Join our host Patricia at Typing One-Handed to see more impressions of this quote.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Self control... a fruit of the Spirit. Lord, help us!

(Really like your new profile pic, Tami. ღ)