Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Being Real

I want you all to think well of me, to find me inspirational and timely, poignant and thought-provoking. I wouldn't even mind brilliant.

But mostly, I hope you find me REAL. I try not to set myself up as a model Christian (that's laughable). I let you in on my weaknesses, my thoughts, for one reason.

“You can’t cling to a mask and God at the same time.”

~ Dr. Juli Slattery ~
Beyond the Masquerade: Unveiling the Authentic You

An honest approach to life and faith is what draws people to God, not a picture of perfection. If I want to point people to God, I must show them the work He does in an average life. What I do ain't always pretty, folks, but God makes it beautiful.

And I must say that being me takes the pressure off. There's freedom in not having to maintain a persona. God wants ME, not a picture of the me I think I'm supposed to be. I don't have to put up a good front for Him, so I certainly shouldn't have to do it for you.

What about you? Do you wear yourself out being the Christian you think others expect? Are you hanging on to a mask? Let your guard down. Let God shine in you by being courageous enough to be yourself.

Only then will your true beauty show.

Join our host Karen at In Love W.I.T.H. Jesus for more interpretations of this quote.


Miriam Pauline said...

I love how you are "real" and "assessible" and show God at work in you and your family. Wonderful post my friend!

Karen said...

"Let God shine in you," I like that. That isn't possible when we put on a mask as we're so afraid of people seeing the "real" us. Well if we have to hide it then maybe we need to do something about it. I wore a mask for a long time once because I didn't think people cared about seeing the real me and the struggles I was dealing with. I thought they wanted my happy side, not the struggling side so I put on my happy mask. It didn't work. Thanks for sharing today, I enjoyed reading your piece.

Debbie Petras said...

Tami, you got right to the heart of this issue and quickly. I love that. How often we hide behind those masks of perfection, attempting to fit in. But you're so right. We must be real.

I saw a great example of this last night. My friend Marlene is a teaching leader in BSF. Now Marlene is a fairly shy person and she had almost 300 women in attendance and delivered a powerful message from Isaiah. I saw the Lord working in her and through her for her one hour talk. She is shy but she submitted and was obedient to God's call on her life ...and He was glorified. She could point to Him. Marlene is real.

Great post Tami!

Blessings and love,

Jana Banana said...

Good post! I love conversations that deal with "being real"--and for what it's worth, I really appreciate how you are always real. (Your stories and illustrations....) Concerning faith, or all things, really--if people don't see others being real in their element, it makes it very difficult for others to connect. Masks and fake-ness are huge turn-off's to many. I don't feel I've ever learned anything, or felt validated, by people who put up a front. Real connects with real, and from what I've experienced, is always appreciated more. :) I hope that made sense.... I'm having major "mom brain" these days.... :)