I have people.
People who nudge me forward, people who say I matter, people in my corner.
Having people requires something of me--my time, my honesty, my vulnerability, my guts. But I've received it all back exponentially. My people build me up, hold me up, lift me up. They tell me what is true. They give me perspective and point me in the right direction. They make me do what I say. They refresh and inspire, heal with their words, soothe with their hugs.
Isn't that how God intended for us to live here on earth, not as Lone Rangers (even he had Tonto), but together, spurring each other on toward love and good deeds (yep, that's how He put it in Hebrews 10:24)? It can be scary to let someone in that close, to expose yourself, but the payoff is priceless.
I wouldn't be who I am today without my people. I can't imagine life without them and their calming presence in my life. Thank you, my dear peeps, for being part of my life, for enriching me and making me better, for stimulating my thinking (it's all your fault!), for keeping me real and filling my life with laughter and joy. How I love you!
And thank You, Lord, for giving me exactly what I need.

And a little p.s. from me--I know there are some of you reading this that will say, "Must be nice, Tami." Relationships are hard. I've listened to many pour out their hearts over their lack of true connection. Friendships take work. Mine required me to reach out, to admit need, to let others in. I wrote a series of posts on the subject a couple of years ago. If you're lacking the relationships you desire, check out these posts I dubbed Steps to Connection.
Steps to Connection
Understand All Have Insecurities
Be Yourself
Take a Risk
Assume the Best
Find more Thankful Thursday posts at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.

Nice post! I am thankful for "my people" too!! I actually just emailed one of them to let me know just how thankful I am for her!
I justed loved your "peep-le" post! I also am so thankful for such dear people that God has sent my way that have and still do make a difference in my life. I cherish those friendships! New to your site through Thankful Thursdays.
Vulnerability is one thing that I am afraid of, I am so private person, I rarely share my problems and struggles, in my blog I can somehow become vulnerable (sometimes) and I guess God is using that to heal me.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Having people requires something of me--my time, my honesty, my vulnerability, my guts. But I've received it all back exponentially. My people build me up, hold me up, lift me up. They tell me what is true. They give me perspective and point me in the right direction. They make me do what I say. They refresh and inspire, heal with their words, soothe with their hugs.
Tami... You are one of these people to me. I treasure our friendship through this amazing online community. Love you.
Have a great November and a blessed holiday season. Hugs, Lynn
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