Friday, September 28, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 203)

1) We had a smashing time celebrating Kevin's birthday last weekend. Here's a great pic of him and the kids.
Aren't they an awesome bunch?! And they all belong to me. I am a blessed, blessed woman.

2) Kevin and I spent the night away and then wandered down to Memorial Stadium to watch Drummer Boy and Drama Queen's band rehearsal. I was glad we didn't miss it as Drummer Boy had a big solo on a field drum. Check this out.
Then, as soon as he finished this bit, he backed up in line and stood RIGHT NEXT TO HIS SISTER! When the kids told me this would be happening, they said, "Yeah, we told the director our mom is gonna poop her pants."

And you better believe I was excited. First, listening to Drummer Boy I just looked at Kevin and said, "That's our kid. THAT'S OUR KID!" Then, as I watched him backing up I was like, "Wait for it, wait for it, wait, for, it, THERE. Look at that! Isn't that cool?! They're right next to each other!" For some reason Kevin wasn't quite as enthusiastic as I was, but he was proud. I could tell by the way his eyebrows raised at the crazed woman sitting next to him.

3) After rehearsal we took Drummer Boy and Drama Queen to get something to eat and I was still a little excited. I relayed to them all the emotions I had and pretty soon they were laughing.

Me: What? What's so funny?

Drama Queen: Nothing.

Me: What?

Drama Queen: You don't want to know.

Me: You can't just do that and say nothing.

Drama Queen: I used to think Dad was the reason our family was kinda dorky, but I'm beginning to think it's all your fault.

Me: What?! My fault? Just because I'm proud of my kids I'm a dork?

Oh my, here I thought I was progressive, super hip mom and in a few months time I find out I'm twitchy AND the source of all the dorkiness in the Boesiger bunch. All I can say is--DRAMA QUEEN, you are lucky I love you so much!!

4) I have always been a terrible driver. And I hate driving. It occurred to me this week while driving tired (which seems to be a malady of mine--how do people get a good night's sleep, anyway?) that my death will probably occur as a result of a car accident. It makes sense. One day I'll be spacing out and bam, gates of glory.

My husband was none too thrilled to hear this. He thought it morose to even talk about it. I suppose, but think of it this way. I'm just trying to show you my serious side. (Or REALLY groping for things to talk about this week!)

5) Our high school's new band uniforms came in! Again, my dorky self has gotta say it. THAT IS MY KID!
Ladies Man's cohort is SO MUCH SMALLER than he is. They are standing on the same level here.
Don't you love it?! She's got a good sense of humor, joking on Facebook that she makes a good arm rest.
6) I had the great pleasure of speaking to another MOPS group yesterday. An added bonus was a former student of mine (from before I had kids!) introduced me. I was floored during her introduction when she pulled out a letter I had written her nearly twenty years ago. You just never know how little things you do will matter to someone. It made me certain every gesture is important, whether we understand it or not. Every. Single. One. Thank you, Gretchen. My time with you yesterday was refreshing and beautiful. I am so proud of the woman you've become. Keep doing what you're doing, sister.

7) And for my final quick take, I leave you with a video being posted all over our family's Facebook walls. Both Drummer Boy and Drama Queen appear in it. Look for them! And, yeah, THOSE ARE MY KIDS!

(Reminder: Email subscribers will have to click over to the blog to view this.)

That's all for today, friends. Have a great weekend. Catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trying to Make Sense of His Goodness

My life is filled with wonderful people, people who believe the best and nudge me in the right direction and tell me the truth and love me, even when I'm not so lovable. They teach me, enrich me, give me joy, and offer unselfish support. They are on my team for reasons I don't comprehend. Their good will and care mean more than I can describe. Overwhelmed with God's goodness, I'm reduced to tears as I think of the treasure they are. Who am I to deserve them? Why me? Why has God given so much? Pondering the questions leaves me wondering one thing.

What does such blessing require of me?

I know God wants my good and desires to give me beautiful gifts, but surely the amazing blessings I'm given aren't for me to hoard to myself. Why do I have this safety net of people?

What does such blessing require of me?

. . . When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.

Luke 12:48
Does God expect more from me?

The wimp in me wants to be scared, but the grateful-beyond-words woman in me knows He provides for whatever is ahead. He already has. God's given me people. I am deeply thankful. And willing to do whatever He asks. His blessings move me to act. No matter what is required of me, I will rise to the occasion. I must. I've been given a tremendous gift.

How about you? Do you recognize the treasure you have in the people you're surrounded by? Do you see what they provide for you? Are you aware that your blessings mean you have a responsibility?

When someone has been given much, much will be required . . .

How will you respond to the blessings you're given?

Photo Credit: KaCey97007

Friday, September 21, 2012

7 Quick Takes (202)

1) Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! As our friend, Rachelle, so rudely graciously pointed out, he is now in his late 40's. The guy's got it good, though, as I am older than him and always will be. When we were first married I tried to use that to my advantage, thinking I knew better because I was older, but now I can't find one stinkin' way to make being older than him seem good. Boo.

He doesn't know it yet (I'm hoping he'll be reading this soon!), but I booked a night away for us tonight. We're meeting our kids and parents for dinner, then it's all us, baby, for 24 hours. Whoop!

Happy Birthday, babe. I love you. So, so much.

2) I've noticed a strange phenomena while folding clothes recently. Nearly ALL the t-shirts and socks I pull out of the dryer are inside out. I wanted to blame it on my kids and the way they take their clothes off, but I'm noticing it on everybody's clothes. How can that be? Is my washing machine doing it? My dryer? What is the probability that 90% of my t-shirts and socks are inside out? And do you know how ANNOYING that is?! Does anyone else have this problem and an accompanying solution?!

3) We helped my brother and sister-in-law move into their new house. I'm not sure we were much help as we were too distracted by their cutie patootie son! Isn't this a great shot of Miss Innocent One with her youngest cousin?
I wish I could capture the view this new house has. Any picture we took didn't do it justice. Their deck overlooks all their land and is spectacular. See if you can make it out behind the scary lady with the whacked out hair.
Apparently Kevin worked harder than the rest of us, as he looks just about ready to nod off with the baby.
Congratulations Jeff and Trisha! LOVE your new place!

4) I don't consider myself a real health nut, but I've been making some slight changes in our family's eating habits. A few years ago I stopped buying soda. I usually have plain tortilla chips on hand and sometimes Fritos, but rarely do I buy other kinds of chips, mostly because they are a temptation for me. I still buy sweet snacky junk, Little Debbies and cookies and the like, so it's not like I've gone off the deep end. I just avoid buying stuff I have a hard time saying no to. I figure I need to wean my family little by little, you know. Don't want a mutiny on my hands, unless it would cause someone else to make the dreaded Walmart run each week . . . hmmm . . . I may have to change my strategy and get ONLY healthy stuff.

ANYWAY, apparently I was feeling especially googly over my husband and his birthday, because on my grocery run this week, I found myself buying all kinds of stuff I normally don't. And he noticed.

Kevin (in utter disbelief): Cheetos?! You got Cheetos?

Me (trying to justify my lapse of judgment): It's your birthday week.

Kevin (moved): And you got me Cheetos?

I was feeling some guilt, like a food nazi or something, until I discovered my attempts to get our family to eat healthier (and not mind it) is working. After lunch I heard this.

Kevin: Cheetos aren't as satisfying as they used to be.

VICTORY! He won't eat whole wheat bread or brown rice, but now Cheetos are EH. One less cholesterol glob to worry about. Baby steps, I tell you. We're gonna get there.

5) Am I the only woman who feels a need to instruct her family on proper dishwasher loading technique? Look what I found when I opened the dishwasher after it had been run.
Do you see all that wasted space?!

I guess I shouldn't complain. At least they're doing it. I've never actually said anything to them about their horrible loading. Instead I choose to chide them in a public forum.

Yeah. That's better.

I'm such a putz. Psht.

6) I had the pleasure of speaking to a couple of MOPS groups this week on the subject of relationships. That topic gets my motor going, I tell you. We are a bunch of people who tend to hide away, protecting ourselves from possible hurt, but in the process we shut out the possibility of meaningful relationships. I feel like God's been specifically teaching me about this for at least six months. Every time I turn around something I hear or read adds another facet I haven't considered.

I used to think I was the only one sitting home wishing I had deeper friendships or the only one feeling not good enough or smart enough or skinny enough--you name it-- but I'm finding there's a lot of people doing the same thing. My heart hurts when I consider how many people are feeling alone when we don't have to. I've found some ways to move beyond, to escape the loneliness and pressure to be somebody. How I wish I could help others do the same.

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! What just happened there? Friday is supposed to be the goofy post, not the wistful, contemplative, help-me-out-here post. I think I need more sleep.

7) Here's a sign Ladies Man has found a way to move beyond his introverted tendencies as a child.

Me (as Ladies Man leaves the house): Are you going to be home by 4:00?

Ladies Man: I don't know, Mom. You know how I be . . . socializin'. . .

Oh yeah, that's how you GOT your name, child! Oh my.

That's all I got for today, people. I hope you enjoy your weekend as much as I plan to enjoy mine having my cute hubby all to myself. Can you hear me sighing? And wait, what is that noise coming from the kitchen?

Ladies Man: We have Cheetos?!

Maybe I am a food nazi.

Have a great weekend friends. Find more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Friday, September 14, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 201)

1) I like having older kids with their advanced sense of humor. This week Miss Innocent One cracked me (and herself) up with this ironic observation.

Miss Innocent One (laughing): Yeah, I downloaded a fitness app on my ipod while eating a Little Debbie cake.

2) (All of my beloved children are gonna love this one!)

It's long been a family rule at our house that if you get food on yourself three times in any one meal, you get covered with a garbage bag. Technically, Kevin only dropped one thing, but it splattered, so the kids took the opportunity to institute the rule on its originator.
Sorry, babe. It had to be done.

3) You may be able to blame it on the new lunch program guidelines, but I'm hoping I'm having a positive effect on my kids' eating habits. It's very satisfying that they are understanding the implications about what they put in their mouths. The other day, as Ladies Man inhaled his lunch, he actually noticed what he was eating.

Ladies Man: We are eating a ton of carbs here. It's like carb city and I don't even care. (Reaching for the last dinner roll) Can I have the last carb bar? That's what I'm going to call them now. Carb bars.

I would thank Michelle Obama, except for the fact that though he recognized it, it did nothing to change what he was eating. Let's assume awareness is the first step, I guess.

4) After last week's chocolate cheesecake debacle, I would like it noted that I DO possess a modicum of self-control. This humongous bag of M & Ms has been sitting on my kitchen counter all WEEK and I haven't had a single piece, not one tiny little morsel of chocolately goodness. Yay me!
5) This week's anniversary of 9-11 brought some reminiscing at school. Miss Innocent One saw some footage of the day and was moved. Eleven years ago she was just three years old and doesn't remember any of it. What really got to her was the people jumping out of the twin towers to their death. We talked some about why they did that and then gave our own "what if"s. Miss Innocent One's statement captured her essence.

Me: If I had to make that decision, I don't think I would have jumped. I would have hoped the smoke inhalation would get to me first and I'd pass out.

Miss Innocent: I wouldn't have jumped either because think of all the people who would witness your death. That would be terrible for them.

Always thinking of someone else. She's a sensitive soul, my daughter. How I love that about you, babe. You make us all want to be better.

6) Speaking of Miss Innocent One, yesterday was a big day for her as she got her braces off.
7) We've got a busy weekend ahead. We're going to a high school football game tonight. Early Saturday morning and I mean, there-should-be-special-favors-given-to-families-who-choose-to-watch-their-kids-march-at-6:AM early, we're heading up to Memorial stadium to watch Drummer Boy and Drama Queen rehearse the latest half time show. After that we're helping my brother and sister-in-law move and rounding out the day with a wedding. Full weekend, but full of our favorite people, so it will be fun.

Hope your weekend is full of your favorite people too. Enjoy and catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

To Be a Butterfly

It just floated in front of us.

We were walking and talking, and this butterfly just floated by. No hurry, no frantic fluttering. It floated, so slowly it caught my eye. Calmly. Serenely. Its pace suggesting it was content, joyful, at ease.

And it was beautiful.

I wanted to watch it and soak in its tranquility, but it floated out of view before I got my fix. Something in me felt jealous. Of a butterfly.

I crave that kind of satisfaction and grace. I don't float. I plod. And sometimes kick and scream. Could I too be a butterfly if I were truly content? Could I catch the eye of passersby with my peaceful presence? Is there a way to capture that spirit, to own a carefree attitude?

Could I display that kind of beauty?

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Psalm 37:5-6
His reminders are everywhere, even in a ten second encounter with a butterfly.

Find other Thankful Thursday posts at Grace Alone.

Photo Credit: steveburt1947

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Way to Build Faith

Trust Me. There's a plan.

That's what God tells me at 3:AM when anxiety chases sleep away.

Trust Me. There's a plan.

And then He says I have a choice. Will I listen? Will I believe? Or will I fret and worry?

At 3:AM it doesn't seem like a choice. It's a chore. It's tough to shut your brain off, hard to ignore the warning flags and regrets and fear. And yet He's insistent.

Trust Me. There's a plan.

My body can't catch up with what my brain knows is right, so I need to change my thought pattern. I've got to FOCUS on what is true.

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed . . . Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why it was credited to him as righteousness.

Romans 4:18-23
Like Abraham, I choose to believe God. I choose to hope against all hope. I choose to wait for His divine plan to unfold.

I choose to exercise FAITH.

Because what is faith if it isn't believing God has a plan? It takes no faith to believe a sure thing, but great faith to let an eternal God with no time constraints dictate the future.

Trust Me. There's a plan.

I believe it. I hope for it. I wait for it. I expect it.

I exercise, I work out, I strengthen my faith.

Is God strengthening your faith by making you trust Him with something difficult?

Photo Credit: jlwo

Friday, September 07, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 200)

1) 200 volumes of Quick Takes! And you're still here?! What is the matter with you? Seriously?

2) We had a fantastic time at the Husker football opening game. It was so exciting to see our kids marching together in the band. Don't they look awesome?! (Drummer Boy is the middle guy with the beard. Drama Queen is on the right end.)
Drummer Boy leading the pack.
Drama Queen, cool as a cucumber for her first game in front of 85,000 people.
This is what they stepped onto the field to at game time. Get a load of that crowd!
Kevin and I decided it was definitely one of those parenting high days, but also a parenting low as sitting through the very hot game was BRUTAL! But we'd do it again a hundred times to see our Drama Queen's first game and Drummer Boy's first crack at section leader. To say we are proud of them is an understatement.
3) The morning of game day, Drama Queen's Facebook status caught my attention.


I figured she was super nervous and I couldn't wait to see her and share the excitement. As we made our way to the stadium, Drummer Boy called us to remind us of the warmup time for the drummers and I asked how she was doing. Apparently I was slightly pumped myself as moments later I heard him say, "I don't know what she's saying," and he handed the phone to his sister.

Drama Queen (think deadpan, obligatory speaking to your mother): Hi Mom.

Me: Oh my goodness, how are you? Are you totally freaking out? I saw your Facebook status. Can you hardly take it? Where are you now? Have you eaten anything? Are you about ready to explode?

Drama Queen: Mother! I can't understand a word you are saying in that high-pitched, fast voice! All I'm hearing is (she proceeded to make squeaky noises). Calm down!

And I could just imagine her pulling the phone away from her ear and the two of them rolling their eyes at their out-of-control mother. I've always hated her calling me a meerkat because I'm "twitchy," but maybe this is where she gets it.

Forgive me, my darling offspring, my mama buttons were popping big time. How can you blame me? I think it's YOUR fault.

4) Ladies Man spent Labor Day cooking with his girlfriend. Later we found the most amazing chocolate cheesecake in our refrigerator.

Me: I want to be mad she left that in there. It's too tempting!

Ladies Man: She's a good cook. A really good cook. It's like a bonus feature.

So, here's a shout out to Ladies Man's girlfriend. Rest assured that he likes you first for your many other wonderful qualities. Your cooking is just a "bonus feature."

5) And speaking of said cheesecake, GRACIOUS!!!!, did that thing cause me angst this week! Every time I entered the kitchen I remembered its chocolately smoothness, its inviting cookie crumb crunch, its complete richness and decadence. Usually I don't have a terrible time saying no to sweets, but this thing did me in. And why is it my family forgets these delicious delicacies exist and leave them alone so that they whisper sweet nothings to me every time I open the refrigerator?

Finally by Thursday, after three days of shaving off bites for myself at every turn, I reminded Kevin the dessert wonder was still there and we finished off the last piece and a half together.

Me: I'm so glad you helped me eat that. Really. It needed to be gone.

Kevin: Anything for you, babe.

Which planted something new in my brain I can't let go. ANYTHING?! Oooh, surely I can capitalize on his moment of weakness. Any ideas, friends?

6) Is there any wonder my children are completely crazy when their father makes statements like this?

Kevin: God must have a sense of humor. Why would He allow people to fart? I mean, what is that about? What is the purpose? Does He chuckle when we do it?

I don't know about God, but I chuckle every time you do it now, my love, thinking of this!

7) Miss Innocent One: I think I grew overnight.

Me: Really? How can you tell?

Miss Innocent One: I don't know. I just feel more stretched out, you know?

Me (wanting to suggest she was finally taking my advice about standing straighter but using self-control to censor myself): Oh?

Miss Innocent One: Plus I feel skinnier today which means I must be taller, right?

Hmmm. I don't know, but if it makes my 14-year-old stress less about her body I'm in. Yes. I DO think you look taller.

And there you have it--daughters growing overnight, sons whose girlfriends come with bonus features, kids with super duper drumming skills and poise, overstimulated mothers and flatulent fathers. Truly, there's never a dull moment at our house.

Have a great weekend, my friends, and read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Even God Uses Facebook

Miss Innocent One is becoming a little missionary. Her heart is tender toward kids with struggles. She prays often for her friends. I can't tell you how many times she's been moved to tears at bedtime as we talk about teenagers she worries about.

She talks to kids about God often on Facebook. I've seen her leave encouraging comments on people's walls and engaged in discussions on Facebook chat. She puts inspirational posters up and writes verses for her status. I love her unashamed way of proclaiming her faith. Never could she guess, though, that God would use Facebook to give her a "well done" pat on the back.

Last Spring she was reading a book from the Hunger Games series and just couldn't get into it. Since it came from the school library and it was close to the end of the year, she just turned the book back in.

And last week a girl from school posted this on her Facebook wall. (You may want to click on the picture for a closer look.)
Miss Innocent One left her bookmark in the book! You can see the front says, "Jesus loves you!" but what you can't see is the picture she scribbled on the back out of boredom one day. She drew the gates of heaven and added the caption, "Jesus Lives!" A little thing she did one day for herself touched the life of another kid.

You can imagine Miss Innocent One thought it was awesome, especially since she didn't have any idea about this girl's faith. It thrilled her that the classmate took it as a message from God.

And I smiled at the creativity of our Lord, of using a little bookmark to speak to two girls in small town Nebraska. Who knew God used Facebook?

Find other Thankful Thursday posts at Grace Alone.

Monday, September 03, 2012

For the Sake of My Kids

I worry about my kids.

How will they get by in this scary world? What trials will they face? How will they make a living? How will they raise families in these tumultuous times? I know I can't shield them from pain and stress and heartache. It is life. Ugh.

I didn't realize how much I love my kids until they started moving out and having to do life on their own. Watching them stress, worry, and fret over decisions and circumstances is hard. Really hard. I've lost as much sleep over my grown kids as I did when they were infants. I'm not sure my heart can take it.

I wish I could give them my faith, the faith I have built by going through those tough times myself. I want to trade and give them my experience so they don't have to go through the pain of getting their own.

But I can't. And if I want them to grow in God, and I do, they'll have to work through the yuck like we've all had to. Though I wish I could, I can't short circuit the process. There's nothing I can do to make it easier.

But God planted a beautiful thought for me this week out of His Word.

He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a a refuge.

Proverbs 14:26
Though I can't give them the faith I have or shield them from pain in the future, MY faith can provide stability for them. When life is tough and even when their own faith falters, my relationship with God can be a compass for them, a steady influence, a place to shelter them from the storms that will come their way.

Yes, my faith is personal, but it ripples out to others. It shows. Because of that, I have a responsibility to work on my relationship to God for their sake, for my children and my neighbors and the passing acquaintance. My faith can be a beacon that says, "This is the way. This is Truth." When others can't see God or understand His plan, my faith can remind them and point them in His direction.

I support my kids in their endeavors. I offer advice and give them money and a listening ear. But the best way to help my kids is to continue to grow in my walk with God. Never underestimate the power of a good example or the appeal of God's touch on a person's life. I love how the Message puts it.

Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it.

2 Corinthians 3:3 (MSG)
For the sake of my kids I've got to tend to my faith. I've got to continue growing and maturing and building that refuge, for them, and those I and my God loves.

Is your faith a refuge for the people in your life?