Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Way I Know He Loves Me

I see the ugliness in me, the attitudes that need fixing, the weaknesses that make me too aware of my humanity and I cry out to God.

"Lord, forgive me. Again. Make me better. I'm a mess."

Yeah, that's true, God says, you can be a mess sometimes. You can be high maintenance and moody, exasperating and frustrating. . .

But I sure do love you.

What?! How can a perfect, holy God love puny, wimpy me?

Yet I know it's true for He surprises me in unexpected ways, with purple shoes given for no reason, a bracelet from a friend just because it looked like me, beautiful words I don't deserve from people I admire and respect, a husband who's attentive no matter how I look or act, front row seats to His work.

When He says, I sure do love you, I am incredulous, yet warm because He shows me every day in little, special ways it's true.

How else do you explain children who mock me, yet say they miss me consistently? Isn't it God's love that causes a friend to hug tight and whisper encouragement in my ear without knowing how much I need it? Aren't the smiles and nods spurring me on a signal straight from Him? He's provided sanctuary in my home, with people inside and outside my house.

And when days don't go as I wish, when troubles come, He leads me to the verse to hang onto, the Truth that will sustain. He supplies the prayer net, the friends to call in tears, the arms to hold, the bed to escape to. He leads me through, His way, and makes me better in the process.

I sure do love you.

I KNOW it and you can too. Open your eyes to God's blessings all around you, even, no especially, in the hard times. He is there. He is waiting to lift. He sees. He knows.

I sure do love you.

Will you believe it?

Photo Credit: ecstaticist

Monday, October 29, 2012

That's What Friends Are For

"Are you sorry you're my friend today?" she asked.

Some days are tough as friends. It's hard to watch each other struggle and weep and have no words to soothe. It's hard if you don't see eye to eye, if you can't explain yourself in a way the other understands. It's tough when past experiences cloud your perspective, when personal weaknesses get in the way.

But love is stronger.

So when the question came--Are you sorry you're my friend today?--the answer was easy.

"Never," came the reply, "I'm never sorry to be your friend."

For Peter tells us, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

We're human. We're gonna mess it up. We're going to say the wrong thing and hurt each other and disappoint. But if we're committed to God, at our cores we are the same, no matter our opinions or background or unique vantage with which we view life. If we love God and want to do right by Him, our hearts lean toward each other. We choose to love each other. Deeply.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The beauty of friendship is undeserved deep love, the kind of love given at the cross, the love shown to us by a merciful, gracious heavenly Father. We are His children when we go and do likewise, when we love deeply.

That's what friends are for.

Our love displays His love. We are His vessels. So though it may be scary, we need to emulate our Lord. Dare to love deeply. Risk getting hurt. Endure the awkward conversations and deafening silences. Love even when it's hard.

That's what friends are for.

Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 4:8

Photo Credit: Xenocryst @ Antares Scorpii

Friday, October 26, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 207)

1) When the new offertory book arrived last week, Miss Innocent One snatched one up and has been practicing her dad's piece. There's something very sweet about hearing her working on it, like it's a life coming full circle sort of moment. Truly God dots beauty in every day, doesn't He? (Shall we all pause for a contented sigh?)

2) I uttered a thought I've had for a very long time last week and my whole family thinks I'm nuts.

Me: Why do we always sit on the toilet wrong? Your butt really fits better on the seat if you sit sideways.

Kevin (giving it a whirl): Really?

Me: Yeah. See?

Kevin: I don't know.

Me: Why is it oval? Wouldn't it make more sense if it was round?

Kevin: But then little kids might fall in.

Me: Hmmm. Maybe.

Anybody have an explanation for the toilet seat?

3) Call me sentimental, but this text, sent by my 22-year-old son, out of the blue, on an ordinary Tuesday, just melted my heart.

I love you Mom.

Doesn't that just do you in?!

I love you too, Drummer Boy. Thanks for warming your old mama's heart.

4) Miss Innocent One had her first vocal music of the school year. I was super proud of her as she had a little solo in the show choir piece that freaked her out because it was a little high for her, but she worked at it and did a nice job.
She and a friend sang a duet too. Not sure of the significance of this giant stuffed Peep, but apparently it has some meaning. And it's a dead giveaway that though they're looking older, they are definitely still middle school girls.
Her dad accompanied them and she was most appreciative. Isn't this cute?
5) Drama Queen came home to see the concert. Proving what I've said her whole life that she's gruff on the outside and super soft on the inside, here was her assessment on Facebook of Miss Innocent One's performance:

Not many little sisters can make their big sisters cry just by singing a song at a middle school pops concert. So insanely proud of her. Love you, Miss Innocent One.

Doesn't it just make you all googly inside?

6) Ladies Man tells us every Wednesday in his mentor class is Read-to-Me Wednesday. He is less than thrilled that his teacher is a big Twilight fan and has chosen to read her favorite book to them.

Ladies Man: If we start watching the movie, I'm gonna see if I can go to the Band room during mentor so I don't lose my manhood. Whenever she reads in class, I purposely don't listen, you know, for my manhood.

Well, we can't have that, can we? You suppose we can file a complaint with the school saying they're thwarting Ladies Man's masculinity? I'm joking, but I wonder if the poor school district ever gets complaints to that effect? I'd believe anything.

7) And that's all for this ooey, gooey edition of Quick Takes. May you find "aah" moments in your home this week as well and check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

When I say I love you . . .

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am for you,
with you,
honored by our association.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I'll believe the best,
see your good
and have your back.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I will fight for you
in body,
in spirit,
in prayer.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am committed
to your best.

When I say I love you it means . . .
you are heard,

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am in,
good or bad,
beautiful or ugly,
easy or hard.

When I say I love you it means . . .
we are forever linked,
for I don't want to think of life without you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

It Sucks to Be Human

I'm committed to eating healthy and exercising. I'm careful about what I put in my mouth. I work out faithfully several times a week. I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life except . . .

My body still bears the cellulite and stretch marks I acquired as an overweight kid. No exercises cure that. I might have rock hard abs, but who can see them under the saggy belly skin from carrying four babies? My hands look older by the second. My gray hairs multiply as fast as my brain cells die.

It sucks to be human.

And it's not just physical. I sit in Bible study and am reminded of how I fail daily. My kids point out my inconsistencies. When others are hurting, I can't take away the pain or fix the problem. I stumble over my inadequacy every day of my life.

It sucks to be human.

Every day I'm more aware I'm not all that. It gets old, you know?

Is humanity about being humbled?

That's how it feels. When I look up the root hum that both words share, I see a connection. Hum pertains to earth, ground, man. I can't help but think of the psalmists words, "he remembers that we are dust." The Greek word for humble is tapeinos meaning "not rising far from the ground." Being human and being humbled go hand in hand, part of the deal for earth dwellers.

Humanity is a constant state of being humbled.

Sigh. What are we to do then? Where is the freedom, the joy we're supposed to know as God's children? Where is the good news?!

We can take comfort knowing this is not all there is. Earthly existence and decaying bodies will pass, but eternity does not. We can fight our humanity--our constant state of being humbled--gaining nothing but frustration or we can embrace it, knowing it causes us to long for something better, something more glorious and beautiful and lasting.

Yeah, it sucks to be human, but that makes heaven all the greater prize.

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

It sucks to be human. That is true. But we won't be here forever. The best is yet to come.

Photo Credit: dok1

Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 206)

1) I'm feeling very uninspired today. Beware the bore fest.

2) Kevin bought a new shower head for our master bathroom. On inspecting it in my inaugural shower, I found one flaw. You can see your reflection in the head! I looked up and shuddered, "Ack! There's me!" It's bad enough to face yourself in the mirror AFTER the shower. There's something very wrong about seeing yourself DURING the shower in all your glory. Ew.

3) I'm getting very anxious to see Ladies Man make his stage debut in his high school's production of Fiddler on the Roof. When he was little we had FAR TOO MANY ugly scenes trying to get him on stage with our church's King's Kids programs. We finally gave up and let him quit. Fast forward seven or eight years and we have a kid who willingly agreed to do it! I've been hearing him rehearsing the songs for weeks and can't wait to see his acting.

For those of you in my area, the production takes place at Beatrice High School on November 3, 5 and 6. Come see it!

4) We had a nice surprise this week when Kevin got a package from Lorenz Music Company. In it were complementary copies of a new piano offertory book which contains one of his pieces.
He sold the piece earlier in the year for a piano periodical. Apparently they decided to include it in a new compilation.
Sadly, since it was sold out right there will be no royalties, but it's always a kick to see his name in print. Congratulations, honey!

5) We got a catalog in the mail saying it was "Gifts that Inform, Enlighten & Entertain." I must be unenlightened because I found some of the stuff just plain weird. There was a smoke detector in the shape of a chickadee sitting on a branch (why?), a "melting" clock that looks like it's melting off your mantle and a statue of cats sitting on a bench reading. I found that one particularly disturbing. Cats don't sit like that OR read. Can anyone explain the appeal of that? I just don't get it.

6) My mom gave us a beautiful bird feeder this fall.
When we hung it on our back porch our kids mocked us, saying there was no way birds were going to come that close to the house. This week they were proven wrong as we found at least half a dozen munching on a few occasions. I can't wait for it to get really cold and see how many more we find nestled on our back porch. There's something about a little wildlife out your back door that brings a smile to your face, no?

7) We've got a Saturday at home (hallelujah!) until we head up later in the evening to watch Ladies Man in his final band competition of the year. It's been super windy in Nebraska the last few days. I hope the wind dies down by Saturday night. Ladies Man's fellow drum major will surely be blown off her ladder otherwise.

And that's all I got this fine Friday. Enjoy your weekend and check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Don't Belong

Though I should have been lost in the crowd, I sat there feeling exposed, very aware I did not fit in. Did they sense I was an imposter, not one of them? Why is there an "in" crowd even in adulthood? And why do I care?!

Things I find valuable and important others dismiss. I cannot be defined by a job title, financial earnings or even pursuits the general public would find noteworthy. Though I know better, common questions--What are you doing these days?--leave me feeling small and insignificant. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, I recite in my head, yet I walk away feeling like a loser, a nobody, less than.

The problem is not insensitivity or my lack of self-esteem.

I don't belong here.

I'm an alien, a stranger, a foreigner on earth. I don't belong here and some days I feel it acutely. Some days it seeps deep and I want out.

And yet I'm here.

Where I don't belong.


What do we do? How do we make the best of our time on earth? What do we do when we feel like we don't fit in?

We live by faith.

By faith we press on. By faith we welcome what is to come. By faith we do the next thing and trust God to use it for something good. By faith we get up and push through the fleeting, unreliable feelings. By faith we fix our eyes on the One who paves the way to home. By faith we KNOW the best is yet to come. It's only a matter of time.

I don't belong here. But by faith I keep at it and eventually I'll get home.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Hebrews 10:35-36
Walk on, my friend.

In faith.

Photo Credit: adam

Friday, October 12, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 205)-- The Dork Edition

1) We were eating at Culver's the other night and I couldn't resist the flavor of the day--Heath Chocolate Crunch.

Me (in complete ecstasy after my first bite): Oh my gosh. This is totally worth the calories. Sometimes you treat yourself and it's not really worth it, you know, you don't really enjoy it that much, but this, THIS is TOTALLY worth the calories.

Drama Queen rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Me (choosing to ignore her and savoring every bite): It's sooooo smooth. Mmmm. Mmmm. This is so worth it.

Drama Queen: Mom, this is why you're the dork of the family. Who talks like that? Who counts their calories while they're eating? Smooth? Gosh!

Does anyone understand why it's dorky to enjoy your food? But I'm not taking it personally. Drama Queen told me not to. (Love you, babe!)

2) Ladies Man had his first high school vocal concert. His class schedule didn't allow him to be involved in choir or show choir until this year and BOY is this kid loving it. He doesn't look bad in his show choir suit either.
This picture makes me look teeny (woo hoo! whoop whoop! and Praise the Almighty!), but I should tell you the floor of the auditorium slants and I was on the downward slant.

I gotta say he's pretty cute, my son. Uh oh, now my children are saying, "Mom, ew, that's just wrong."

3) We were watching a new television show when suddenly Ladies Man sighed and started leaving the room.

Ladies Man: A love triangle. I hate love triangles. It's always about vampires and werewolves and love triangles. Stupid.

I must not be watching enough t.v. to understand.

4) It was nearing bedtime when Miss Innocent One decided to make cookie dough for a snack. She brought the bowl to the living room and got a little too comfy for my tastes.

Me: Uh, you've got like ten minutes.

Miss Innocent One: Yeah, I know.

We watched the end of the show (minus Ladies Man who was disgusted over love triangles) and the magic hour hit.

Me: Time for bed.

Miss Innocent One: Yeah, yeah.

Me: That means you'll have to put the bowl away.

Miss Innocent One: Yep.

Me: (feeling frustrated at her pleasing responses without corresponding action): Put the dough down!

Miss Innocent One giggled.

Me: What?

Miss Innocent One: Put the dough down? Drama Queen's right. Dork.

Sigh. Apparently I've slipped from Mom-is-so-wonderful glory into the oh-brother-our-mother-is-losing-it zone which I find quite annoying. Maybe next time somebody puts a hand out I should tell them dorks don't carry twenties.

5) I ran across some pictures yesterday that took me back to days gone by and made me laugh. We tell Miss Innocent One she was always falling asleep as a baby. Here's proof her life as the youngest wore her out.
We've often teased Drummer Boy about his Harry Potter days.
And we STILL tell Drama Queen she's full of it and razz Ladies Man about his huge head.
Oh, the good ole days, when no one thought I was a dork.

6) Sitting down to dinner the other night I made a startling observation.

Me: All my protein sources came from nuts today.

Ladies Man: Squirrel.

Which is better? Squirrel or dork?

7) Just to prove that I'm not the only dorky adult in the house (or maybe to assuage my psyche), I must show you this picture. Our kids love to torment us. Though Drummer Boy was not present, he gave his two cents on the picture when I posted it to Facebook saying, "YES!"
Now do you understand what we live with? They are lucky we love them so much!

With that I'm calling it done, people. See if you can enjoy your weekend in some dork-free way and find more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Even So

Crabby. Tired. Even so, Lord, help me press on.

Even so.

Relationships suffer. Responsibilities weigh. Plans don't work out.

Help me press on, Lord, even so.

The car breaks down and the kids are sick. The house is dirty and I can't find my sock's match. It's frozen pizza for dinner again. And the grass is dead.

Even so, I will press on.

There's been so much to do I miss my husband, though we live in the same house. My reflection looks older. Why can't my bank account multiply as quickly as my gray hairs?

But even so, I'm pressing on.

For God is a God of perseverance, of endurance, of steadfast commitment and patience. I will press through the mundane, the uncomfortable, the pain.

Even so.

Diligence produces honor, glory to our Maker. It weeds out the girls from the women, the real from the pretend. Stamina brings blessing.

As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

James 5:11

Are you feeling tired, worn? Don't give up, friend. Though your circumstances may tell you otherwise, God's got it. Trust Him, though you don't like the answer. Believe though you cannot see.

Even so.

That is faith.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Hebrews 10:36-39

Photo Credit: mll

Monday, October 08, 2012

Masterpieces Take Time

It took Michaelangelo four years to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at Vatican City.

Margaret Mitchell needed eight years to write Gone With the Wind.

Construction on the Nebraska State Capitol required ten years.

Experts believed it took 50 years for workers to complete the Sphinx in Egypt.

200 years were spent on the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Who can calculate how many years carved the Grand Canyon?

Masterpieces take time. And yet it strikes me that each of these marvels are temporal, lasting only as long as earth does, deteriorating every minute. We value them as treasures, but none will be part of our eternal future. None will be in heaven.

So why do we expect God, the master Creator, to take less time crafting His everlasting children? Why do we want quick fixes? Why aren't we willing to wait for His beautiful, masterful plan? Why are we so impatient?

I want to see what I want to see in the people I love, in those my heart hurts for, yet God is constantly working, chipping, carving, sculpting. He's writing the story of our lives and painting it with His skillful, creative, unique hand. Masterpieces take time and if I want the best, I have to patiently wait for Him to do His thing.

God works in mysterious, yet calculated, perfect ways. He's not making junk. He's creating masterpieces.

Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.

Psalm 27:14

Do you have trouble waiting for God's master plan to unfold?

Photo Credits
Sistine Chapel: Beyond Forgetting

Nebraska State Capitol: jimbowen0306

Leaning Tower of Pisa: Sam and Ian

Sphinx: digitalurbanlandscape

Grand Canyon: Markusnl

Friday, October 05, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 204)

1) I have this annoying thing that happens to me whenever I fall asleep. My mouth falls wide open. And where there's an open mouth, there is drool waiting to be free. I hate it. You know in movies where the man adores his wife as she sleeps next to him. That could never happen at my house. I would totally turn my husband off. Instead of thinking, "Oh, look how beautiful she is," my husband would surely think, "Ew. What did I get myself into?" As much as I want my husband to look on me adoringly, I think it would be best for him to do it while I'm fully awake.

Who am I kidding? Do husbands really do that outside of Hallmark movies and Nicholas Sparks books? The day I find my husband staring at me when I wake up is the same day I find his morning breath appealing.

2) You know the vast amount of self-control I used to avoid eating that humungous bag of M & Ms? That thing sat on my kitchen counter for WEEKS without me eating a single morsel. I kept pushing my people to eat them. When I found the bag with only ONE M & M left, I begged someone in my family to finish it off.

Me: I've done so good. I'm so proud of myself. There's just one left. Somebody eat it.

Ladies Man: You eat it, Mom.

Me: NO! I've been so proud of myself for not eating ANY.

And then my stupid (yet very cute and fun) husband went and did it.

Kevin (chanting): Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!

Of course it didn't take long for the kids to join in.

My entire family: Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!

Me: But you guys. I've done so well. It's the principle.

Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!

Me: I wanted to say I didn't eat a single piece!

Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!

And you know what happened, right? They would not be quieted until I popped that luscious yellow M & M into my mouth. And you know what? No lightning bolt plummeted to punish me, no weight magically attached to my hips. The world went on as if nothing happened at all.

It was ONE M & M, Tami! Sheesh! Maybe I am a food nazi.

3) How about a pic of Ladies Man in action at his first band competition? Doesn't he look official? He tells us he nearly fell off the ladder. Apparently one of the drum major ladders is slightly damaged and they usually give it to the other drum major since she weighs probably HALF what he does. But in the excitement of the first competition it got set up for him and when he stepped down he heard an ominous creak. To compensate, he moved to the back of the platform, but when he spun around to give the final salute, he nearly spun right off. He must have covered it well, because I didn't even notice.
Way to cover, Ladies Man. Lookin' good.

4) At the risk of tooting my horn too much, I must tell you we were super excited to see an article in our local paper about Drummer Boy and Drama Queen. I love how the reporter was able to capture that they truly love playing together. Fifteen years ago Drummer Boy found his little sister bossy and annoying and Drama Queen felt she should run any show. You've come a LONG way, guys, and this mother couldn't be happier you are now friends. You can find the article by clicking here:

Beatrice siblings make UNL drum line

5) Miss Innocent One has a knack for finding joy in the little things. On the way home from getting her new retainer, she thought ahead to what was left in the day.

Miss Innocent One: Sigh. I suppose I'm gonna have to start my homewor . . .

Suddenly a glorious thought filled her mind.

Miss Innocent One: Wait! We don't have school tomorrow. I can do it tomorrow!

Judging by her excitement level, you would have thought this was as good as Christmas.

Miss Innocent One: What a wonderful thought. I'm glad a had it! The only thing that would make it better is if I could wake up without a lisp from this retainer.

Simple pleasures. This girl can find them, I tell you.

6) Last Friday I talked Kevin into exercising with a friend and I. He hates exercise. HATES it. He struggles with finding a good time to do it regularly and can't find anything he enjoys enough to do long term. But I talked him into doing a P90X Plyometrics DVD which he's done many times. As I anticipated, he did NOT enjoy it, but made it through fine. After taking a shower he popped his head into my office.

Kevin: A person really does feel better after you exercise.

Me: Yeah.

Kevin: Crap. That means I need to do it.

Yes, you do, my love. We don't want you turning into a fuddy duddy.

7) We attended parent-teacher conferences this week and discovered that both Ladies Man and Miss Innocent One need to learn how to shut their traps a little better. These are the euphemisms that clued us in.

"They are very social."

"Participates well in class."

"I suspect their work is finished slowly because they're getting into some . . . discussion."

And my favorite: "Occasionally needs redirection." (One teacher saw this on another teacher's notes and added, "I would agree.")

All were to quick to say they got back on track easily when called on their motor mouths and remained respectful, so that is good news. This is a tough one for parents, though. You can't be there to give the don't-you-dare stare every time they get chatty. You can talk about it at home, but ultimately it is out of your control. I guess you pray for laryngitis?

Okay, when you start wishing physical maladies on your children, it's probably time to be done, huh? I hope you enjoy your weekend and read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Wanting More For Someone Hurting

The moment she walked in I knew it was a bad day. She looked good, but serious, a little flushed, preoccupied. She made a beeline for a chair to disappear in before anyone could say anything.

I wanted to help, but didn't know how. Sometimes the best thing we can do for people is give them space, so I did, but she lodged in my mind.

I didn't know what the problem was, didn't know what she needed. She sat there detached, present in body, her spirit far away. I suspect she pushed herself to get out of the house and come, and for that I was proud of her. Yet her attempt to do the right thing didn't seem to help. She remained distracted, troubled, alone.

She stared into space and I wondered if she heard anything. Did she know the words were for her too? I wanted to scream, "Are you listening? Hear the Truth. Don't try to avoid it. Believe it." But there was no opportunity and perhaps she wasn't ready to hear it yet anyway.

So I started praying, both in and out of her presence. I want more for her, better. I want her to know freedom and joy and peace. I get frustrated at my inability to bring her relief.

MY heart hurts, though I have no idea what plagues hers. What can I do? How can I help? How can I make God's love sink into her depths?

My words will never be adequate, so I keep praying. I ask God if there's anything else I can do. I pray. And though I wonder if it's enough, until God gives me something else to do, it must be.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:16-19

Just in case you're reading this, friend, and recognizing yourself, know that God loves you and has great plans for you. Know I love you and want better for you and am praying so hard for you. You are not alone.

Photo Credit: honor the gift

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

But God IS

The future's uncertain. How will it work out? I can't see the way.

But God IS.

Relationships weaken, feelings hurt, wounds fester.

But God IS.

Loved ones get sick. Kids struggle. Friends tire and weaken.

But God IS.

Prices soar. Worries abound. A dollar doesn't stretch like it used to.

But God IS.

We know tears, sorrow, heartache, anxiety.

But God IS.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

In this world you will have trouble. I know it. I feel it. I live it. I watch it. I don't like it, and some days it's too much.

But God IS.

And somehow knowing God IS--knowing He's there and in control, on the throne, aware of these earthly problems--somehow knowing He IS brings a sigh, a glimmer of hope. It brings enough to press on.

Take heart, my friends. Life is hard.

But God IS.

How does knowing God IS give you courage?

Photo Credit: ford_paul