Monday, January 30, 2012

What We Miss By Asking Why

Sometimes things don't turn out how I think they should, how I'd like them to. We sold our first house SEVEN YEARS after we moved out of it. My kids didn't get jobs I prayed for them to get. A video we submitted twenty years ago to America's Funniest Videos got initial approval and we signed papers, but it never aired. I've prayed for and expected miracles which never came. Hardest of all is the waiting. God always requires waiting.

I spend a lot of time asking God why. What's so terrible about revealing Your plan? Why would it be so awful for my child to get that job? Where are You, God? Are You hearing me at all?

Disappointment. Frustration. Aggravation.

But God never promised to meet my every whim. I pray for things that would make my life easier. He answers to make me holier.

“True peace comes from embracing what is, not from ceaseless striving to change everything around me to make my life more safe, secure, comfortable.”

Dan Meadows in The Mosaic Bible
Do I struggle when I fight what IS? Would I feel better if I just went with what God gives without asking why, without doubting His goodness? God doesn't make mistakes. He gives each of us gifts we may or may not like. Disappointment, frustration, aggravation come when we refuse to accept what He's given or how He's working in our lives.

It's like a little boy who asks for a glass of milk and his father gives him a cow.

"A cow?" the boy whines, "But that's too hard. I don't want to work at this. I just want milk."

"I could give you a glass of milk, but soon it would be gone and what would you learn?" his father replies, "With a cow you gain a new skill, get all the milk you'd ever want and have plenty to share. Isn't that better than one glass of milk?"

When I complain about my life, when I ask God to cure my problems quickly, am I asking for too little? Am I asking for a glass of milk when He wants to give me a cow? Am I missing true peace by not accepting what is? Do I get stuck and distracted in my "if only"s? Is wanting easy causing me more trouble than necessary on the road to something great?

What do you think?

Tell me your opinion in the comments, or better yet, link up below and share your post on this quote.

Friday, January 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 168)

1) Kevin and I were walking through an antique mall when suddenly he pulled up close behind me, his mouth near my ear, leaned over my shoulder, pointed to a cross stitched picture and softly read its sentiment.

Kevin: Every little thing she does is magic.

Me (thinking it a fun, flirty moment and trying to play along): I just can't help it.

Kevin: Is that a nice way of saying your wife's a witch?

Way to kill the mood, bub. Thanks a lot.

2) I have set a new record! Would you believe I spent 4 and a half hours on the phone one night this week? That's 4.5 HOURS! In one sitting! That may be something no woman in her right mind should admit. In my defense, I must tell you it was my college roommate who I've seen only once since college, and that was 13 years ago. We only talk a few times a year. Perhaps we should do it more often for shorter spurts, but I'm not sure that would help. Now that our kids are not hanging all over us while we're trying to talk, there's no stopping us. Rest assured our discussion was enlightening and meaningful and thought-provoking and profound and encouraging and I'm pretty sure we solved all of the worlds problems. Love you, Penny.

3) Kevin and Ladies Man are still working hard at their P90X routine. Ladies Man is seeing new definition in his triceps and Kevin pointed out a new line in his side that hints of toner abs. Oh brother. It hardly seems fair. I've been working out regularly since 1994 and have seen improvement in myself over the years, but seeing positive effects in one week? Can your life get any easier when only 6 DAYS of commitment brings positive results?

It's like when men decide to diet and lose twice the weight a woman would. And they probably cheated at least three times in one week. And ate Cheetos. And Little Debbies. Meanwhile, women starve themselves for a month to see any measurable difference and feel guilty for craving a candy kiss. Totally unfair.

But I'm not bitter. Really.

4) Speaking of P90X, Miss Innocent One and I joined them for a 90 minute yoga session yesterday and I thought we kept up very well. Miss Innocent One is quite flexible! Can I hear a whoop, whoop for girl power?! But 90 minutes is a LOT of yoga! I don't know if it was the hippy music in the background or the slow movements and holds, but I thought we'd never get done. The first half was tons and I mean TONS of up and down planks and runner's stretches and upward dogs and downward dogs, lifting and holding legs in places they were never meant to be held. Then we moved on to balance positions where I heard myself saying, "You're supposed to put what where? How in the world are you supposed to do that? My leg won't go that way. How LONG must we hold this? Is this ever going to be over?"

Finally after what seemed like HOURS of getting too acquainted with my own body, we started the slowing down, cooling exercises which involved "the corpse." You lay flat on your back and relax your entire body.

This is my favorite part of yoga.

And then at the very end, we were supposed to release our energy in some way and the host suggested vocalizing some kind of sound. I don't think we did this part quite right, as Kevin started hollering like a crazy man and I was yelling, "Hallelujah! We're finally done!" Somehow I'm not sure that was the calming energy we were supposed to be expelling.

But we completed the 90 minutes and I'm pretty sure I'll have a new ripple somewhere today. It seems to work for the boys.

5) I got an anonymous letter in the mail yesterday. I've had some not so nice anonymous letters in the past, so they make me wary. When Kevin handed it to me he said, "Uh oh. What is this?" I braced myself as I slid the letter opener into the envelope. Inside was a tiny piece of paper.

I'm not sure if you'll be able to read this, but they are clippings about discounts offered at our local Salvation Army. Remember when I was jabbering about the weird discount Kevin got there a few weeks ago? (See #2.) The last line of the bottom paper reads "20% off total sale for persons 19 to 54 years of age." It was a legitimate discount! I laughed out loud, I tell you!

I don't know which of you sent me this, but thank you. I found it hysterical. And now I am well informed.

6) I'm missing Drama Queen and Drummer Boy this week. It's stupid, really, as they are less than an hour's drive away. I am such a putz. But I love you guys!

7) We have a pretty low-key weekend planned. Pretty excited about it, actually. I may be home most of the day on Saturday. Do you hear the angels singing? Wait, Kevin says angels don't sing in the Bible (which is why God desires our praises). They are always SAYING Glory to God in the highest. Hmmm, maybe I should research that a little before our next yoga session. If you can't get good energy release imitating angels, where can you get it?

And with that, I think I should be done before I say something that may warrant an anonymous letter. Have a terrific weekend, friends, and find more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To Those Who Are Victorious

I'm not a big fan of the book of Revelations. There's so much I can't figure out. The imagery, the scenes I can't comprehend, the creatures beyond description--they make me feel stupid. So when I came to the end of my Read-Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year plan, I wasn't looking to forward to my last week. I dreaded wading through stuff I didn't understand.

But as is often the case, God surprised me.

Right away he gave me exactly what I needed. The end of the year with its non-stop activities and expectations, sapped me. I wanted to hide away for weeks, far from responsibilities and needs and people. I wanted a break from life. And then I read these in one of my least favorite books of the Bible.

To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God. (2:7)

Whoever is victorious will not be harmed by the second death. (2:11)

To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it. (2:17)

To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, to them I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star! (2:26-28)

All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and His angels that they are mine. (3:5)

All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. And I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God--the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God. And I will also write on them my new name. (3:12)

Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on His throne. (3:21)

Though I don't grasp it completely, those who are victorious are in store for some pretty awesome things, don't you think? If I can hang in there I will eat from the tree of life. I will have authority. I will never leave His Temple. I will sit with Jesus on His throne! It blows my mind.

And motivates me to get up again and keep going.

To those who are victorious . . . great blessing. I will persevere.

Does this motivate you to press on?

Photo Credit: SantiMB

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are Women Less Valuable to God?

I've often thanked God I was not born in Bible times. Women in that time period were treated almost like property. I am always taken aback when I read of the strangers coming to Lot's door, asking to sleep with the men visiting and Lot says, "Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don't do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof." (Genesis 19:8) What?! Shouldn't a daughter expect the same protection from her father?!

If one read the Old Testament alone, it would be easy to say that God doesn't value women. But Christianity is based on Christ and the New Testament suggests otherwise. When I was in college, I did a research paper on women in the Bible and came to the conclusion that while mankind in general didn't give women respect, Jesus did. God in the flesh gives women great significance.

God could have brought His Son into the world in any way, but He chose to use a woman. Does that not speak volumes? Jesus had many gracious encounters with women, some His society wrote off--the woman who'd been bleeding for 12 years, the woman at the well, the woman accused of adultery the Pharisees wanted to stone. He established meaningful relationships with women. And perhaps as significant as the method of His birth, after His resurrection He appeared FIRST to women!

There's value for you, ladies!

Yet sometimes it's frustrating being a woman. Never mind the fluctuating hormones which wreak havoc on our delicate sensibilities. There are certain limitations put on women in God's Word. There's the whole submission issue in marriage I'm not about to touch today (but you can click here to see what I have written before). The one that annoys me from time to time is His command for women to be under the authority of men. Now I'm no women's libber. I completely subscribe to God's hierarchy, knowing it is for His order and purpose and my protection, but sometimes it's disappointing.

Once I was asked to substitute for a couples' Sunday School class. My heart skipped a beat when the teacher asked, thrilled to have the opportunity to take a crack at it. I knew I could get a lively discussion going. I knew I had something to offer on the chosen subject. I had experience and desire and a bit of knowledge. I knew I could get the job done. But I had to turn him down because Scripture clearly states "I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man . . ." (1 Timothy 2:12) Sigh. It didn't seem fair. Everything in me wanted to teach that class. The only reason I couldn't was because I was a woman.

I suppose I could scream for justice. I could push the envelope and worm my way into places God doesn't want me being, but what good would that do? How does that display the "gentle and quiet spirit" He praises? I may not like it, but God limits me some because I am a woman. I can whine about it, or I can accept His plan, trusting His way is best.

I can let Him be God and follow.

“We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is.”

Elisabeth Elliot
I can't go against His natural order and expect His blessing. I choose instead to remember how valuable women are to Him and trust His love to lead me where He needs me most. Women ARE part of His divine plan and He treasures us. May we make His joy complete by doing it His way.

Do you feel limited by God? How will you fight that?

Want to see what others think of this quote? Visit Nina at Mama's Little Treasures.

Photo Credit: mharrsch

Monday, January 23, 2012

Beyond What I Deserve

I am a blessed woman.

I don't know why. I'm nothing special. I'm a self-absorbed, obsessive, over-analytical, pleasure monger of a person. My thoughts are not always sweet. I complain. I whine over the minor and overlook His provisions and want more. I disappoint myself, and surely my heavenly Father, more than I'd like.

But my heart leans toward God. And for reasons I don't comprehend, He cleans me up, makes me new, gives me second chances. If this weren't enough, he lavishes me with His goodness, with beautiful relationships, genuine care and concern, inspiration, unending mercy. He gives me what I don't deserve.

I am a blessed woman.

How does one respond to such favor, to gifts I have no right to claim?

Go and do likewise.
Give as I have given to you.
Forgive and listen and be gracious.
Love as I have loved you.

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:1-5
I cannot repay God for all He has done for me, but I can follow His lead. I thank Him by loving His own.

Go and do likewise.

How will you thank God today?

Photo Credit Yogendra174

Friday, January 20, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 167)

1) Ladies Man: I was offended by this tv show I watched today. These guys were saying that men are turning into girls and they showed a picture of a guy in a flannel shirt, with a hair cut like mine, wearing a man purse as an example.

Ladies Man has become a fan of flannel shirts this winter, thus the rub.

Kevin: I heard testosterone levels are falling in men.

Me: Well, what do you do about that? Can you take a vitamin or something?

Ladies Man: Mom! Do you think I'm turning into a girl?!

Rest assured, my dear son, I do NOT think you are turning into a girl. Just curious.

2) Miss Innocent One needed some new sheets for her bigger bed. I saw a set on clearance because it had been repackaged and I pounced.

Me: Look at these cute sheets. Hot pink zebra print. Very cool. Wouldn't you like these?

Miss Innocent One: They're cute, but what else is there?

Wandering eyes found some polka-dots at regular price.

Miss Innocent One: I kind of like these.

Me: Yeah, but these are cheaper.

Miss Innocent One: Yeah . . .

She fingered the polka dots and I knew drastic measures were needed.

Me: Now think about this. The polka dots are fine, but the zebra screams, "Get up and face the day!" The polka dots will just encourage you stay in bed, but waking up to hot pink zebra print will make you go, "Rawr! Bring it on!"

She laughed at me, but stayed planted in front of the beloved polka dots. You cheap mothers of the world would be proud of me. I was relentless.

Me: And really, those dots don't even match your comforter. The zebra would be perfect.

Call me a monster mom if you want, but it worked and finally she gave in. I can do what it takes to save $8, I tell you. And honestly, wouldn't this make you want to tackle anything when you woke up?

3) Kevin and Ladies Man have been hitting it hard with P90X. Since I've been suggesting they may not complete it, they are more determined than ever. I figure losing this battle is really a win for me. I can deal with bulging pecs and washboard abs. Only 85 days to go!

4) I had a birthday this week and my kids used the opportunity to try to one up each other. Drummer Boy made it pretty tough with this status on Facebook:

"It's my mom's (Tami Boesiger) birthday today. If you don't know her than you haven't met one of the prettiest, patient, passionate, and preeminent women that God has put on this planet. Love you, Mom."

Of course Drama Queen voiced her frustration:

"Ok, Drummer Boy! Make it so that the rest of the children can't top you. Ya friggin' jerk."

But she melted my heart too with her own wish:

"Ok, so now that your stupid firstborn child ruined all hope of any of the rest of your children giving you a better birthday wish than him......Happy birthday, Mom!! Love you so much! Hope you get a chance to relax today :) See you Saturday!! :D"

Even Miss Innocent One got in on it with this:

"Hey, I cleaned the kitchen...but yes, you made that very hard to top."

5) Joy of all joys we did something this week we've never done before. Hit a deer. Isn't this pretty?

Thankfully no one was hurt, apparently not even the deer. We couldn't locate it afterwards, but left remnants of our van in the ditch to inflict guilt on the stupid thing if he decides to wander back to the scene of the crime.

6) Drama Queen was sick away from home for the first time this week. I discovered advantages and disadvantages to this situation. On the minus side, I wasn't there to make sure she did the right things to get better, but on the plus side I didn't have to hear the coughing and sneezing or get up in the middle of the night to find the kleenexes or throat lozenges. I felt bad for her, but there was freedom in not having to deal with it.

Maybe I am monster mom.

7) As a special treat for my birthday, my husband is taking me to our favorite local getaway this weekend. Yesterday as he sidled up to me, slipping an arm around my waist and purring, "I can't wait for tomorrow," Miss Innocent One sat on the kitchen counter observing the whole scene. As Kevin and I parted, she gave me a knowing smile.

Me: What's that about? Why are you smiling?

Miss Innocent One: You guys are just cute together.

So now I'm off to be cute with my husband all by ourselves. I hope you all enjoy your weekend as much as I plan on enjoying mine. If you're looking for some laughs, check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wants and Needs

God doesn't give us what we want.

I want relief.
I want the easy way out.
I want things to work out the way I imagine.
I want instant answers and healing and solutions that makes sense.
I want happiness and nights uninterrupted by anxiety and harmony in my home at all times.
I want my husband to find me irresistible, my children to hang on my every word and people everywhere to find me perfectly charming.

But God loves me too much to give me what I want. He gives me what I need.

I need humility, painful molding which is no fun, no fun at all, but necessary.
I need to learn patience, and, MAN, is it annoying.
I need trust, requiring a track record of scary situations.
I need faith, built by believing above all odds, though I don't see.
I need to learn obedience, acquired one difficult choice at a time.
I need to be sacrificial, putting others ahead of myself.

Why must what I want be so different than what I need? He's shaping me into something better, something grander than I can imagine. How can I be upset about that?

Do you wish God would give you what you want instead of what you need? Ever think there must be a reason?

. . . your Father knows what you need . . .

Matthew 6:8

Join Laurie at Women Taking a Stand for more Thankful Thursday posts.

Photo Credit: Kathy Cassidy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God in the Ordinary

It snowed on my birthday.

God in the ordinary.

The little girl stood on the back of the chair in front of her, leaning into her daddy's arms, her hair brushing his cheek, singing along loudly and proudly to the praise choruses in church. I couldn't help but smile seeing God capture the young girl's heart, watching His love flow from her little body, bringing joy to her parents, those sitting around her, anyone who saw.

God in the ordinary.

She showed me the animal trails as we walked. We listened for the trickle of water in the creek, soaked in the sunshine, inhaled clean, cool air. Pure. Lovely. Refreshing.

God in the ordinary.

Rushing off to the next activity after a long day of projects, I wrapped the hunk of hamburger too quickly and put it in the fridge. The blood that leaked everywhere overnight was not a welcome sight on a Monday morning, my crammed day of the week. But it got me going early, got me motivated to tackle my new week's to-do list, showed me it wasn't the end of the world.

God in the ordinary.

Just when I felt tired, worn, spent, old, he brought home a new dress, in my favorite color and couldn't wait for me to try it on. How did he know? Did he understand what it would mean to me?

God in the ordinary.

As she told me of God's mercy to her, of how He prepared her for her father's death, I couldn't stop my eyes from misting. She recounted His goodness though she's suffered years of pain.

God in the ordinary.

The moon glowed large on the horizon, so large, one couldn't help but notice and know.

God in the ordinary.

My kids, a couple fully grown and a couple getting there, make a point to give me a hug, for any reason or no reason at all and it seems remarkable, these distinct, amazing individuals calling me "Mom," truly caring.

God in the ordinary.

I feel like I've lost my way and He speaks gently, clearly, consistently. Accept. My gifts are good. I give you what you need. Wait. A Book that is more than a book brings direction, peace.

God in the ordinary.

“If I can’t find God in the ordinary places of life, either I’m not looking hard enough or he’s not nearly as approachable as I need him to be. This is a paradox too. God appears in all the ordinary places, burning bushes, naked Barbies, plumbing disasters. But when he does, those places become holy. Moses had to take his shoes off.”

from an interview with Marcus Goodyear, Barbies at Communion
God is everywhere, in everything. We only need to look.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Where have you seen God in the ordinary?

Join my lovely friend, Cindy, for her take on this quote and links to others.

Photo Credit: yeimaya

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Peek Into Me

Marriage Monday has been on hiatus for the holidays, but we're back today with a challenge from e-Mom to let people in on the real us (as if this has ever been a problem for bloggers). We're supposed to finish the following sentences to reveal a peek into our heads. So sit back, friends, and find out everything you've never wanted to know about me. (Should I say I'm sorry?)

I am….. too easily lost in my head and emotions.

I want….. to do great things for God.

I have….. four children who have changed me for the better.

I wish….. I could succinctly explain to others how I spend my time.

I hate….. to watch or listen to people brush their teeth. Ew!

I miss….. the carefree days of childhood.

I fear….. losing my husband or children.

I feel….. wimpy and weak most of the time.

I hear….. blessed silence when working in my office and treasure it.

I smell….. almonds (cause I'm munching on them right now!).

I crave….. ice cream and chocolate.

I search….. for ways to see God.

I wonder….. if I'll ever accomplish the dreams in my heart.

I regret….. nothing. There are no mistakes. God uses all, even my bad choices, to teach me.

I love….. my husband. SO. VERY. MUCH. I hate to think of life without him.

I ache….. for those who suffer.

I care….. too much about what people think of me, but I'm working on it.

I always….. drink hot beverages while working on my computer.

I am not….. particularly gifted at anything, but can do an adequate job of a lot of things.

I believe….. God makes good out of everything.

I dance….. like a klutz, but find it very romantic.

I sing….. to connect with God.

I cry….. when I see God at work.

I don’t always….. keep my mouth in check. Boo.

I fight….. myself too much.

I write….. when I'm depressed or confused.

I never…. think what I've done is good enough.

I listen….. to others and enjoy it immensely.

I need….. lots of quiet time.

I am happy….. when I think about all God has done in my life.

Hopefully that wasn't too painful. If not, maybe you'd like to get to know some of the other Marriage Monday bloggers. You can read about them at Chrysalis.

Have a great day, friends!

Friday, January 13, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 166)

1) We were discussing which would be better, having a high paying job that took you away from home a lot, or having a modest income that kept you home all the time.

Ladies Man: Yeah, Dad, you should get a huge salary. That'd be awesome.

Me: No way. He'd never be here. That wouldn't be worth it.

Drama Queen: Mom would die if Dad were gone all the time.

Yes. My children know me.

2) Last weekend Kevin and I shopped our local Salvation Army and found a funky little chair he plans to put in a studio he's creating in our house (I think he envies my office sanctuary, wanting one of his own. He says it'll keep him home more to work, so I'm all for it.). Anyway, we thought the chair a steal at $20, but when Kevin went to pay for it the lady gave his total as $17.12.

Kevin: Is it on sale?

Clerk (whispering): There's a 20% discount for anyone who's NOT a senior citizen today.

Kevin thought himself lucky, but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered about his "discount."

Me: Who ever heard of a discount for people who AREN'T senior citizens? Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd?

Kevin: I don't know. She did say it real quiet so no one else could hear.

Me: She made it up! She just gave some lame excuse to give you a discount!

What say you? Does a discount for those who AREN'T senior citizens sound legit or was she looking for a reason to give him a deal?

3) We went to a belated Christmas get together the other night, and a woman there kept going on and on about how cute Ladies Man is. When we told him about it later, he responded simply.

Ladies Man: The Boesiger curse.

You may remember me talking about this strange phenomena among the male members of our household (see #4). For some unknown reason, they all attract older women.

Perhaps this explains a 20% discount for those who are NOT senior citizens?

4) Hallelujah, Glory Be and Praise the Lord! After much personal angst and frustration, Miss Innocent One and I finally finished her sewing project (see #4). I believe the defining moment came in the next to the last step as we sewed the lining of the bag to the outer shell of the bag. We could barely contain our excitement as we turned it right side out, but to our horror, the straps were missing. We sewed them in between the lining and the bag! After some growling and heavy breathing, we figured out how to remedy the situation and got the bag finished. Needless to say, I think it will be a while before either one of us is ready to tackle another sewing project.

I can't decide whether she should take this bag to school or not. She kind of wants to show her Family Consumer Science teacher what we tackled, but I know we didn't do a great job.

Me: You can take it only if you don't say anything about the super glue we used.

Yeah. I'm such a professional.

5) Drama Queen and Drummer Boy are back to college. It hit me full force as I set the table for dinner Monday night and realized we only needed four plates. *sniff*

I was checking some things on their college website and noticed that they're signed up for the same course in different sections. They were not even aware of it.

Who says Mama don't know all? And don't you forget it, kids!

6) Congratulations to Miss Innocent One who made the University of Nebraska at Omaha's Middle School Honor choir!

She was one of only two 7th graders from our school that made it (the other being our good friend).

7) And here's one for all you mothers, sick of your children thinking you're much less capable than they are at anything.

Ladies Man is on a new kick to go through the P90X fitness routine. I've heard him wax poetic about how he's going to get "ripped" so many times in so many ways, it's hard for me to take him too seriously and even tougher for me to shell out any money towards it. Luckily our generous friends are letting us borrow their DVDs. Kevin said he'd join him and they've been planning their fitness adventure all week.

Me: When are you going to do this?

Ladies Man: 6:AM!

Me (flabbergasted that Kevin agreed to anything at that hour of day): Really?

Kevin: I guess so.

Me: In that case, maybe I should join you every once in a while, save me a trip to the Y.

Ladies Man (raising a doubtful eyebrow): Mom, this is extreme.

Me: Hello?! I'm the only person in this household who exercises regularly.

Ladies Man: But this is extreme.

Me (getting agitated): I think I know that! I did a session of boot camp. I get it.

Ladies Man: Yeah, well this is like, well, probably like boot camp.

Kevin (trying to defend me): Which she finished.

Ladies Man: Well, you gotta do incline push ups and stuff. I'm gonna do some right now.

He ran into the living room, grabbed a chair and got into position.

Ladies Man: I'll do ten.

After push-up #5, he quit.

Me: Let me try it.

He didn't even watch me until I got past 5.

Me: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 . . . how many should I do?

Kevin: That's enough. Let me try.

Kevin gave it a shot and got to 8. 8! How's that for GIRL POWER?! Of course, all I got from Ladies Man is that I didn't have my feet in the right position and he was the only one who was using the correct technique. Grrrrr. Is it bad for me to want to show this kid up? I could do it. Or would that be thwarting his masculinity or something? Would it scar his developing manhood?

Whatever. I can think of lots of other things I'd rather do at 6:AM anyway.

And that's all for this fine Friday, friends! I hope you have a stellar weekend and catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For My Health

I've spent the last few years working really hard to become healthier. I've changed the way I eat. I'm pickier about what I put in my body. I've expanded my exercise routines and added running (an activity I've always stunk at) to my exercise regimen. And I do feel healthier, stronger, more flexible. My physical health has definitely improved, but when the last few months of 2011 left me feeling exhausted, battered, and worn, I had to ask myself what I'm doing wrong. How can someone who's worked so hard to be healthy still feel so tired?

Is it possible that in all my "doing" I've ignored my emotional health? Can depleting your emotional tank wear a person out?

Oooh. It sounds a little egocentric to talk about, doesn't it? Tending to your emotional needs sounds self-absorbed, me-oriented. Yet I can't ignore how refreshing it was to take some time after Christmas to just "be" without "doing." I slept more, read more, hung out with my family more, watched some movies, took my time during my devotions in the morning. I felt like me again, without the burden of obligations or schedules. Instead of stewing over my to do list, I enjoyed myself.

And I felt more inclined to give back.

You know how they tell you on an airplane to put your oxygen mask on before helping another with theirs? Is the same true of taking care of our emotional selves? Why do I struggle with this when I've had no problem putting myself first physically? Is it because my physical regimen involved more discipline and self-sacrificing, while my emotional health feels self-indulgent?

But the rest, the calm . . . it's so sweet.

When I decided two years ago to work on my physical health, I did so out of a desire to be the best I could be for God, to eliminate obstacles to doing His work. Now I wonder if I am at my best when I do things only out of obligation. Could I do them better, faster, if my heart was in them? Would my heart be in them if I felt refreshed?

Will I always be able to capture time to tend to my emotional health? Probably not. But I build in time each week to exercise. Surely I can find places to relax and recharge too. Maybe not every day, but they need to be there.

For my health.

God's calling me to hide in Him, to rest in His presence, to soak in the simple joys He provides, like books for pleasure and getting lost in bunny trails of verses and puzzles and going to bed early. He's summoning me to relax a little and I am the glassy-eyed, tired lady stumbling to the Light.

I'm trying not to feel guilty about taking time for me. He says I need it. I already feel better. I wonder if it will actually make me stronger, more productive. And joyful. I'm going to give it a shot.

Do you sense it too, that calling to rest? Do you need to tend to your emotional health? Could it make you stronger?

Photo Credit: drp

Monday, January 09, 2012

What to Do When Life Chips Away

I worry about my kids, money, disappointing others, getting it all done.

Schedules demand. Needs abound. Responsibilities pull. Illness strikes. My heart tugs with "I should"s, bringing exhaustion when I try and guilt when I don't.

Annoyances like broken cars and unfair criticism and freak accidents and disappointing glitches leave a crack, oozing out confidence and trust.

I fret over making a difference, not wanting to waste my time here on earth, leaving a legacy and pleasing God, and all the while the devil taunts, whispering in my ear that it's not enough.

I plug along, doing the next thing, but before long I find myself going through the motions, performing out of obligation and sheer perseverance.

Where is the joy?!

Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters . . .

Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.

Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near . . .

Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,: declares the Lord.

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace . . .

Isaiah 55:1-3,6-8, 12
(emphases mine)

Perhaps it's time to expend my energy in a different way.


All verbs. All action. All doing.

But all GOD focused. All a refuge from life and its accompanying drainers. All a way to hide away and recharge.

Is life chipping away at you? Do you wonder where your joy is?

Come. Listen. Hear. Seek. Call. Turn.

And you WILL go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

Photo Credit: Center for Invasive Species Research

Friday, January 06, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Volume 165)

1) Drama Queen and Ladies Man attended Snowball last weekend, a dance that's bigger than prom in our little community. Here's Drama Queen with her date. This girl gets more beautiful every year. Of course if I tell her that I get, "Yeah, whatever!"

And here's Ladies Man with his date. You may remember them as Posture Princess and Backman from a few summers ago (see #2). Boy have these two changed.

Get a load of their shoes!

Of course anytime Drama Queen and Ladies Man are together, there has to be shenanigans (oh brother, do I sound 90 years old or what?!).

Let me say it for Drama Queen. CREEPER!

And they humored us with an obligatory picture with the 'rents.

2) Ladies Man grabbed the last of the cherry fluff salad, eating it out of the dish.

Kevin: What are you doing? What if somebody else wants some?

Ladies Man: Do you want some, darling?

Kevin: No thanks, sweetie.

Ladies Man: Okay, then, pumpkin.

Brings tears to the eyes, doesn't it?

3) Our "little friend" (see #4) has still been eating away in our pantry and we've been unable to catch him. He won't wander into the humane trap we set for him. Since our friends found their hamster and I was sick of throwing away food that has been nibbled on, I resorted to the good old fashioned trap (So sorry, Rachelle. Drastic measures were needed.). And now, for better or worse, problem solved.

Should I apologize to those of you with squeamish stomachs?

4) With a break from our normal routine, Miss Innocent One and I have been busy on some projects. First we repainted her room and moved a larger bed in for her. This picture actually shows the only wall we DIDN'T paint, but is a nice shot of her bed taken with her new ipod.

She got a mini sewing machine for Christmas, so we tackled a sewing project together too. This thing ended up being a little beyond us, but we persevered thus far to get this much done.

This is nearly two days work (and not yet finished), which tells you our level of expertise, but we've had fun doing it and hope to have a cool bag when we're finished.

5) Drummer Boy had a great time at the Capital One Bowl, even though the game was a downer. Here he is with his snare drum buddies, minus one guy who wasn't able to make the trip.

He came back with a tan which made me slightly jealous and tales of New Year's Eve at Universal Studios. Only a college kid would find it entertaining that a little kid nearly puked on him. It was a quick trip with little sleep, but full of goofiness as this picture illustrates.

I should give a shout out to Drummer Boy's friends who posted these on Facebook. Thank you!

And speaking of Facebook, Ladies Man called me out the other day about my online activity, insinuating that I was a creeper.

Me: Hey, I've been very upfront that the only reason I have Facebook is to stalk you guys. Besides, how would I ever get any pictures of Drummer Boy otherwise?

And believe it or not, there was no objection from Drummer Boy, just a chuckle. Yeah, I think he still likes his mommy. Even if I do stalk him on Facebook.

6) Me: Drama Queen, you missed the tutorial on checking your oil.

Drama Queen (unimpressed): Yeah?

Me: Dad showed the boys.

Drama Queen: It's a guy thing then.

Me: No. You need to know too.

Kevin: Yeah. Besides, if we were that manly we would have taken ours shirts off while we were doing it.

7) Oh boy, it's been hard to get back into my usual routine since the holidays. I've so enjoyed having my older kids home and find myself buying all kinds of junk food I normally wouldn't just because I want them to be happy to be here too. But alas, all good things must come to an end. Drummer Boy left last night and Drama Queen will leave Sunday. It will free up some time for me and I'm trying to focus on that positive, but I'm wondering if I'll ever lose that tug on my heart as they leave our house to live somewhere else. Growing pains are tough.

I hope you all have a glorious weekend. Catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

To Goal or Not to Goal?

The year comes to a close. A new one begins and I find myself in a different mood this season. Usually I'm reflecting upon the last year, making goals for the next, but now I find myself wondering if it's necessary. You can't change the past. And the future . . . do I really have any say over that?

God's gonna do what God's gonna do, isn't He? Jesus said it plain and simple, "apart from Me you can do nothing."

So why we do we make lists of things to work on? Why do we resolve to do better? Why do we push ourselves and regiment our lives and batter our poor spirits when we don't accomplish what we think we should? Why do we live with the guilt of not being good enough and wallow in our weaknesses?

Has Satan tricked us into this mode of operation? Does he know we are easily distracted by our successes and failures? Does this roller coaster of self-improvement keep us focused on ourselves instead of an all powerful God?

Have I been spinning my wheels for years, thinking it's all on my shoulders? Have I accepted a burden He never meant for me to carry?
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28
I've been working too hard, striving, and feeling the exhaustion that comes with it. Something's gotta change and it starts with my focus. GOD does the work. Not me. I don't accomplish anything. Apart from Him I can do nothing. Nothing! Any real and lasting change must come through Him. He makes me a new creature. He transforms. My responsibility is to seek Him in prayer and His Word, obey what He tells me, and set myself in His presence. He does the rest.
for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Philippians 2:13
If my only resolution is to draw closer to God, will His Spirit bring about the change I desire?

What is your opinion about goal setting?

Photo Credit: babasteve